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Satisfied Customer

I used your leash this morning at search and rescue training with my dogs. Everyone loved it, and it is so much more secure than a traditional slip lead and it can easily be manipulated without removing gloves...A huge plus in New England.

- Karen from Rhode Island
ez harness

EZLeash (and EZSwiveLeash)


The EZLeash™ pet leash is the latest advancement in technology, integrating an adjustable collar with a nylon leash. EZLeash™ is a quick and convenient solution to controlling your pet while safeguarding their sensitive throat area. The collar is a wide, generously padded loop designed for optimal safety and easy handling. An array of designer options and colors are also available, providing additional charm and character. This leash product is 6 feet in length

(The EZSwiveLeash product has an added chrome swivel mechanism part way up the lead to help mitigate twisting of the leash.  The EZLeash does not have the swivel mechanism.)


Size Pet's Neck Circumference (Inches) Pet's Weight Range (Pounds) EZLeash Pricing EZLeash (Swivel) Pricing


6 1/2 -8

4.5 - 12




8 1/2 - 11

13 - 30




11 1/2 - 14

31 - 60




14 1/2- 17

61 - 90




17 1/2" +

> 90




Ribbon Option

EZLeash (Swivel)

Ribbon Option

Our Signature Ribbon Pattern is optional! It will accent the center of your color of leash!